Most people will find that my Master Newsjacking! course is exactly what they need to learn the Newsjacking strategies and implement them in their business on their own.
However, you may find it beneficial to participate in some coaching to get going.
Ongoing advisory work. Investing in startups. Coaching your team. Working directly with you, one-on-one.
Advisor and Investor: I serve as an advisor and investor in emerging companies that are transforming their industries by delivering disruptive products and services. I've been working with HubSpot (NYSE: HUBS), since 2007 when the company had a handful of customers and fewer than 10 employees.
I helped the HubSpot team with rapid sales and marketing strategies that have grown the company to more than 78,000 customers in 120 countries and an $8 billion market cap. In addition to HubSpot, my current portfolio of advisory and investments also includes Gosite, ListReports, Mynd, Expertfile, RISEcx, Motto, SlapFive, Turazo, The Rattle, Vengreso, and Foxtrot Systems.
In past advisory work, I contributed to successful exits of companies as a member of the board of directors of NewsWatch KK (sale to Yahoo Japan) and Kadient (sale to Sant) and served on the board of advisors of Eloqua (IPO followed by a sale to Oracle) and GrabCAD (sale to Stratasys).
Now you can have access to me and my knowledge! I personally review your challenge prior to our call, and engage with you via Zoom for 90 minutes to discuss your goals in detail. I then offer specific strategy and tactical suggestions. This session also includes one month of email followup after our call.
The private newsjacking coaching & strategy program is ideal for those who want advice on a particular newsjacking challenge or want to work with me to get started!
My Newsjacking coaching program
includes these elements:
includes these elements:
1. You will take the Master Newsjacking! course first so that you learn the strategies and tactics of Newsjacking prior to us working together.
2. You will share with me information about your company and your challenges.
What are your Newsjacking goals?
3. I personally review your challenge by taking a look at your website, blog, or other social media and I will study your newsjacking goals.
4. Then we jump on a 90-minute Zoom call where we can dig into your unique situation and issues and you can ask me questions.
We'll focus on both the strategies and tactics of newjacking. Because you have done your homework (by talking the Master Newsjacking! course and I have done my homework(by reviewing your situation and analyzing your website and social media) we get a ton of work done in our 90 minutes together.
5. My newsjacking coaching program includes one month of email follow-up with me after our call.
What People Are Saying About
Master Newsjacking!

One hour was worth a year of traditional coaching!

Thank you for all the insightful information...

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